Monday 23 September 2013

Exception handling in c++

What is an Exception?
An exception is a situation in which a program has an unexpected circumstance that the section of code containing the problem is not explicitly designed to handle.
Sometimes, exceptions can be considered as errors that occur at runtime.
Examples of commonly encountered exceptions:
1.      Falling short of memory
2.      Inability to open a file
3.      Exceeding the bounds of an array
4.      Attempting to initialize an object to an impossible value.
C++ provides a systematic, object oriented approach to handle exceptions.
Important Keywords of Exception Handling:
The Exception handling of C++, uses three keywords:
1.      Try: We use a try block to surround parts of code that can generate exceptions. This section of code is specially examined during execution to watch for any exceptions.
2.      Throw: This keyword serves two purposes. When used within the body of a function, it is used to throw an exception. When used in the header of a function, it is used to specify what types of exceptions the function may throw.
3.      Catch: Every try block will usually have one or more catch blocks following it. A catch block contains code that should be executed whenever an exception of a specific type is caught. This allows us to customize the behavior of our program based on what kinds of things could go wrong. It is important to notice that catch block should come immediately after the try block.
try                                                                               // Try block 
//statement 1
//statement 2
//some erroneous statement
 throw  some_object;                                       // Throw statement
catch (some_object)                                                    // Catch block
            //Some statements to handle the exception

Catching an Exception

Example 1:
#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;

int main()
               int StudentAge;

               cout << "Student Age: ";
               cin >> StudentAge;

               try {
                               if(StudentAge < 0)
                                              throw StudentAge;
                               cout << "\nStudent Age: " << StudentAge << "\n\n";
               catch(int X)
            cout<<”Student Age can not be less than 0”;

               cout << "\n";

               return 0;

Single Try block and Multiple Catch Blocks:
A single try block can have multiple catch blocks.
               Code to Try
               One Exception
               Another Exception

The compiler would proceed in a top-down as follows:
  1. Following the normal flow control of the program, the compiler enters the try block.
  2. If no exception occurs in the try block, the rest of the try block is executed.
    If an exception occurs in the try block, the try displays a throw that specifies the type of error that happened.
    1. The compiler gets out of the try block and examines the first catch
    2. If the first catch doesn’t match the thrown error, the compiler proceeds with the next catch. This continues until the compiler finds a catch that matches the thrown error.
    3. If one of the catches matches the thrown error, its body executes. If no catch matches the thrown error, you have (or the compiler has) two alternatives. If there is no catch that matches the error (which means that you didn’t provide a matching catch), the compiler hands the program flow to the operating system (which calls the terminate() function). Another alternative is to include a catch whose argument is three periods: catch(…). The catch(…) is used if no other catch, provided there was another, matches the thrown error. The catch(…), if included as part of a catch clause, must always be the last catch, unless it is the only catch of the clause.
Multiple catches are written if or when a try block is expected to throw different types of errors. Imagine a program that requests some numbers from the user and performs some operation on the numbers. Such a program can be written as follows:
Single Catch Block and Multiple Try blocks
It is possible to have a single catch block to catch exceptions thrown by multiple throw statements.
//some code
throw some_object1;

            Throw some_object2;

catch(…)   // this catch block catches exception of any type
//statements to handle exceptions


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
               int StudentAge;

               cout << "Student Age: ";
               cin >> StudentAge;

               try {
                               if(StudentAge < 0)
                               cout << "\nStudent Age: " << StudentAge << "\n\n";

               cout << "\n";

               return 0;

Re-Throwing Exceptions
It is possible to re-throw exception objects which were caught once in a catch block. Re-throwing exceptions can be done any number of times. But while re-throwing exception objects, the throw statement will not take any arguments.
#include <iostream.h>
void sum(int i, int j)
cout<<”in function sum()”;
throw i;
cout<<”subtraction of i&j”<<i-j;
cout<<”caught null values”;
throw;  //rethrowing
cout<<”end of Sum()”;
void main()
cout<<”in main() function”;
cout<<”caught null value inside main()”;
cout<<”End of Main()”;

Nesting of try, catch blocks:
It is also possible to nest try-catch blocks within more external try blocks. In these cases, we have the possibility that an internal catch block forwards the exception to its external level. This is done with the expression throw; with no arguments. For example:

try {
  try {
      // code here
  catch (int n) {
catch (...) {
  cout << "Exception occurred";
Why Exception Handling is necessary?
In C++, exception handling is useful because it makes it easy to separate the error handling code from the code written to handle the chores of the program. Doing so makes reading and writing the code easier.

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